Wednesday, April 18, 2012

5 papers left....


gap smnggu... mnggu dpan smbug exam balik.. huh...soalan mancabar gle r,,, sonok je jwap... hhehe..

nk tw x?? bru2 ney ad gtw kt dy yg owg x ley faced dy ag.,. hmm.... dy tnye npe but owg x jwb jujr ag... sbenarny owg terfikr ag psal bnda tu... xtw la,,,ble dy nan gurl laen owg ley time.. tp kdg2 ble tgk mke dy..owg tringat gmbr2 tu la... toi gk ckp kwn dy sndiri..tu kisah lme kowt dya... pliz la dya.. lpekn k...

arghhhhhhhh....ssh kowt.. hati prpn laen.. tmbah2 dya.. yes,,,owg ad gk wt slh nan dy... xtually..dy x slh pwn... tp ntah la.. sori la abg wt abg cmni.... tp owg sakit ati sgt...huhuhu...............

tp owg try lupekn k...=)

Sunday, April 8, 2012



hai3... dya write again for my blog....=)

for waiting for my farid... @bukit KMPk...
relax suda... dari pagi study.....
td ibu dtg...huhu.... kecik ati nye sbb ibu cm nk cepat...
owg bnyk cte...owg rindu ibu...huhu... tp ibu nk cepat... tinggal owg cowg2....
huhu...rindu ibu,bpk.....

##tension sgt study ney.... tmbah2 per-pspm math x ley nk wt sgt..##

wish me luck k...<3

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Ok... seriously a big day 4 me... countdown 4 PSPM2 and time to leave kmpk...huhu..

mlm ney rase sunyi sgt... study x ley... mood bkn utk study.......
pagi td g amek exam..pastu balik online...wt math sikit...pastu online....
petang naek bukit...jmpe dy jap...pehtu maen angin kt bukit...
kdg2 lupe lak yg kte nk pspm.. toi kan...sometimes otak kne relax... bru ley bekerja pada esok hari..hehe...

## kepada DYA###
  • esok bngun solat...
  • minum susu...
  • col parent...
  • mkn corn flake...
  • g jogging klu rajin...
start study ok!!!

jgn malas2...awk tu seorang yang rajin... jgn ikut owg sgt...dowg pndai....awk stakat 3.65 je... x lpas pwn nk g mne... rajin2 ea dya syg... ingat parent awk...abg2 awk...
farid awk pwn.... ngeee...

##ok....sleep well###

lepaking with AMALINA.... plus member2...ngeee...


we meet again....
td bengang gle.... bru nk sesi photoshoot nan my kkasih hati... ramai gle owg wt sesi kt padang golf tu..hahaha... adoi...... terbantut harapan....

Las2 day di kmpk ni.... hu...sedih la lak...perhatikan la keindahan kmpk ni... seriusly cntek...

hmmmmmmm..... i luv to be with u guys.....

da la...
###untuk amal and geng dya....###
  • aq syg kowg...
  • take care...
  • jgn ever lost contact....
  • kowg the best...
  • thanx sllu join dya maen petanque...
  • thnx amal sbb sllu lap air mte dya....
  • thnx amek berat pasal dya...
  • thnx care psal farid gk...
  • aq xkn lpe hg cowg...
  • sllu share secreto hg nan aq...
hg smart r amal... ***ingat taw pape owg laen ckp pasal hg...jgn down aw...... ***
##syg hg..### haha

Friday, April 6, 2012

hari2 terkahir di KMPk...=(


##dak2 KMPk msti da rse kan bahang final kte.......
it is not too late 4 me wishing all of u a good luck for pspm..
after a year we lived here... share all our things... now..we must leave all our memories..=(
i had a wonderful experience here... meet and have a new relationship here... ok... PSPM just left 2 weeks and 2 weeks more to struggle...

ohhhhhh...i dont think i can finish up all the past year i have...hmm
...wish me luckkkkkkkk... friends..... from B1t7a and one from B1t6.. we have 3 heroes for my class.. izzat,fahim and kimi... dowg mang terbaek la utk b1..hee... fahim and ijat will make sure u had a blue face.. haha..
after all i had this year...they supported me... thank u guys..

muke bngge je kan... arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh..bnyk nye knangan kt cni...( mkcik azzah kt blkang...)

hehe............ baju pinjam mkcik atirah gk,,adoi dya...

Bangun pagi...gosok gigi...cuci muka.... hehe.... owg sibuk nk cepat... dya wt tutorial pkai pashmina lagi...hahaha.... berbelit2...grrrr... las la kowt nk pkai belit2 kt KMPk da..huuuuuuu....

####whatever it is... i will surely remember all this memory....####

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

5 papers left....


gap smnggu... mnggu dpan smbug exam balik.. huh...soalan mancabar gle r,,, sonok je jwap... hhehe..

nk tw x?? bru2 ney ad gtw kt dy yg owg x ley faced dy ag.,. hmm.... dy tnye npe but owg x jwb jujr ag... sbenarny owg terfikr ag psal bnda tu... xtw la,,,ble dy nan gurl laen owg ley time.. tp kdg2 ble tgk mke dy..owg tringat gmbr2 tu la... toi gk ckp kwn dy sndiri..tu kisah lme kowt dya... pliz la dya.. lpekn k...

arghhhhhhhh....ssh kowt.. hati prpn laen.. tmbah2 dya.. yes,,,owg ad gk wt slh nan dy... xtually..dy x slh pwn... tp ntah la.. sori la abg wt abg cmni.... tp owg sakit ati sgt...huhuhu...............

tp owg try lupekn k...=)

Sunday, April 8, 2012



hai3... dya write again for my blog....=)

for waiting for my farid... @bukit KMPk...
relax suda... dari pagi study.....
td ibu dtg...huhu.... kecik ati nye sbb ibu cm nk cepat...
owg bnyk cte...owg rindu ibu...huhu... tp ibu nk cepat... tinggal owg cowg2....
huhu...rindu ibu,bpk.....

##tension sgt study ney.... tmbah2 per-pspm math x ley nk wt sgt..##

wish me luck k...<3

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Ok... seriously a big day 4 me... countdown 4 PSPM2 and time to leave kmpk...huhu..

mlm ney rase sunyi sgt... study x ley... mood bkn utk study.......
pagi td g amek exam..pastu balik online...wt math sikit...pastu online....
petang naek bukit...jmpe dy jap...pehtu maen angin kt bukit...
kdg2 lupe lak yg kte nk pspm.. toi kan...sometimes otak kne relax... bru ley bekerja pada esok hari..hehe...

## kepada DYA###
  • esok bngun solat...
  • minum susu...
  • col parent...
  • mkn corn flake...
  • g jogging klu rajin...
start study ok!!!

jgn malas2...awk tu seorang yang rajin... jgn ikut owg sgt...dowg pndai....awk stakat 3.65 je... x lpas pwn nk g mne... rajin2 ea dya syg... ingat parent awk...abg2 awk...
farid awk pwn.... ngeee...

##ok....sleep well###

lepaking with AMALINA.... plus member2...ngeee...


we meet again....
td bengang gle.... bru nk sesi photoshoot nan my kkasih hati... ramai gle owg wt sesi kt padang golf tu..hahaha... adoi...... terbantut harapan....

Las2 day di kmpk ni.... hu...sedih la lak...perhatikan la keindahan kmpk ni... seriusly cntek...

hmmmmmmm..... i luv to be with u guys.....

da la...
###untuk amal and geng dya....###
  • aq syg kowg...
  • take care...
  • jgn ever lost contact....
  • kowg the best...
  • thanx sllu join dya maen petanque...
  • thnx amal sbb sllu lap air mte dya....
  • thnx amek berat pasal dya...
  • thnx care psal farid gk...
  • aq xkn lpe hg cowg...
  • sllu share secreto hg nan aq...
hg smart r amal... ***ingat taw pape owg laen ckp pasal hg...jgn down aw...... ***
##syg hg..### haha

Friday, April 6, 2012

hari2 terkahir di KMPk...=(


##dak2 KMPk msti da rse kan bahang final kte.......
it is not too late 4 me wishing all of u a good luck for pspm..
after a year we lived here... share all our things... now..we must leave all our memories..=(
i had a wonderful experience here... meet and have a new relationship here... ok... PSPM just left 2 weeks and 2 weeks more to struggle...

ohhhhhh...i dont think i can finish up all the past year i have...hmm
...wish me luckkkkkkkk... friends..... from B1t7a and one from B1t6.. we have 3 heroes for my class.. izzat,fahim and kimi... dowg mang terbaek la utk b1..hee... fahim and ijat will make sure u had a blue face.. haha..
after all i had this year...they supported me... thank u guys..

muke bngge je kan... arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh..bnyk nye knangan kt cni...( mkcik azzah kt blkang...)

hehe............ baju pinjam mkcik atirah gk,,adoi dya...

Bangun pagi...gosok gigi...cuci muka.... hehe.... owg sibuk nk cepat... dya wt tutorial pkai pashmina lagi...hahaha.... berbelit2...grrrr... las la kowt nk pkai belit2 kt KMPk da..huuuuuuu....

####whatever it is... i will surely remember all this memory....####


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