Thursday, February 16, 2012

12 02 2012??? what's going on??

12 February 2012..

2 of the greatest things happen to me on this day..
first is my bro's engagement..

He is taken by "kak lya".. i don't know her full name and her attitude well coz i just knew her several months ago.. But, for my 1st impression, she is not bad.. cute as well.. im so happy to see both of them live happily ever after.. at the same time.. i felt lost.. u know the feeling when our loved one taken by his lover.. xtw nk ckp cmne,tp dya bongsu an..n only have 2 brothers which i luv the most.. takut la ble da engage, abg yu cm changed, x syg owg da ke,. msti dy lebihkan tunang dy.. hu.. tp dya knal gk kakak tu,, dy 1 tmpat kje nan bpk dya.. bpk knal dy lme.. so..its ok 4 me to accept her in our family.. bab abg yu,,harap x lpe kt dya ney sbg adk bongsu yg kowg syg tu,,,kan3?? belum kwen ag... hantaran x sure dieowg ltak x mahal sgt...fmily dy pwn baek2... gmbar kat abg wah.. dya lpe nk amek... phm2 r...( fon rosak an...) hmm.... abg yu...owg harap dpt jlnkan tnggungjawab dgn adil because u r now as a son,brother and also future husband for kak lya... pndai2 la ek nnt jlnkan tnggungjwb tu dgn adil... n for kak lya... jge abg sy sorang tu sbb dy la tman gduh,,mnx pndapat,mnx tpp.. ngeee---

second is...jeng3.....(perdamaian antara pihak 1 and pihak 2..)
---kwn sy la...-

hari yg ditunggu2 tiba gk.. finally dieowg berbaik.. thniah la... tp nk pesan la kt kakak sy cowg ney... had kan gk hbungan tu...tkut2 jd balik cm dulu.. dya pwn had kan taw.. tp taem kowg baek, knape sy and die diletak di luar,,,uhuk3.....


Thursday, February 16, 2012

12 02 2012??? what's going on??

12 February 2012..

2 of the greatest things happen to me on this day..
first is my bro's engagement..

He is taken by "kak lya".. i don't know her full name and her attitude well coz i just knew her several months ago.. But, for my 1st impression, she is not bad.. cute as well.. im so happy to see both of them live happily ever after.. at the same time.. i felt lost.. u know the feeling when our loved one taken by his lover.. xtw nk ckp cmne,tp dya bongsu an..n only have 2 brothers which i luv the most.. takut la ble da engage, abg yu cm changed, x syg owg da ke,. msti dy lebihkan tunang dy.. hu.. tp dya knal gk kakak tu,, dy 1 tmpat kje nan bpk dya.. bpk knal dy lme.. so..its ok 4 me to accept her in our family.. bab abg yu,,harap x lpe kt dya ney sbg adk bongsu yg kowg syg tu,,,kan3?? belum kwen ag... hantaran x sure dieowg ltak x mahal sgt...fmily dy pwn baek2... gmbar kat abg wah.. dya lpe nk amek... phm2 r...( fon rosak an...) hmm.... abg yu...owg harap dpt jlnkan tnggungjawab dgn adil because u r now as a son,brother and also future husband for kak lya... pndai2 la ek nnt jlnkan tnggungjwb tu dgn adil... n for kak lya... jge abg sy sorang tu sbb dy la tman gduh,,mnx pndapat,mnx tpp.. ngeee---

second is...jeng3.....(perdamaian antara pihak 1 and pihak 2..)
---kwn sy la...-

hari yg ditunggu2 tiba gk.. finally dieowg berbaik.. thniah la... tp nk pesan la kt kakak sy cowg ney... had kan gk hbungan tu...tkut2 jd balik cm dulu.. dya pwn had kan taw.. tp taem kowg baek, knape sy and die diletak di luar,,,uhuk3.....



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